Frequently Asked Questions
Xtreme 9000 Finishes will try to help answer some of the FAQs we have received.

Why is your automotive paint so cheap?
We do not sell cheap paint. Xtreme 9000 Finishes a small company that sells factories direct to you...the consumer. We have low overhead, and we pass that savings on to you. It's just that simple. No ifs and or buts.
Is your product made in the United States?
Yep, right here in the good 'ole USofA.
What if I have problems with your product?
You can call us direct...no overseas operators here. And we offer a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.
Is this a thin paint product?
No Sir. This paint is guaranteed high solids in a thick density paint. Now that's some good stuff.
How fast can I get my order?
Fast shipping is guaranteed. Your shipment will go out the next business day unless it falls on a holiday.
Where can I meet 'The Paint Guys" in person?
Well, we do 46 shows a year. Just give us a call and we'll let you know if we will be in your area. We love to meet our customers in person.